5 witnesses set to testify against man who defiled 10-year-old girl
By username, February 29, 2024Dennis Kibet, who is accused of defiling a 10-year-old minor and causing her grievous harm, was arraigned at the Kabarnet court where he pleaded not guilty to the accusations.
Kibet was charged with defiling the minor on February 3, 2024, at around 9 pm at Sessoi village in Baringo North sub-county, contrary to section 8(1) as read with section 8 (2) of the Sexual Offences Act No 3 of 2006.
He was also slapped with a second charge of committing an indecent act with a child contrary to section 11 (1) of the sexual offences Act No.3 of 2006.
The prosecution led by counsel Beatrice Bartilol opposed the accused being released on bond arguing that he is a flight risk.
Bartilol’s application for bond cancellation was supported by a sworn affidavit by Police Constable Henry Owiti of Kabartonjo police station who said Kibet was arrested by members of the public at the Marigat sublocation while escaping after the minor’s defilement was reported.
The affidavit also indicated that the complainant and main witnesses fear testifying against the accused if freed.
Resident Magistrate Edwin Mulochi ordered the case to be mentioned on March 15 and a hearing slated for March 25 with five witnesses set to testify.
Defilements galore
Cases of minors being defiled are rife in Baringo County.
Dennis Kibet’s defilement case comes months after the same Kabarnet court sentenced Stephen Kemboi to life imprisonment for defiling an 8-year-old girl.
Resident Magistrate Edwin Mulochi in June 2023, handed Kemboi the life sentence stating that the prosecution’s counsel had proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
The court ascertained that Kemboi committed the dreadful act to the minor on January 25, 2022, at around 4 pm at his home, Tebei Village in Baringo South.
In January 2023, the same Kabarnet court sentenced a chief to 40 years in prison for defiling and impregnating a 14-year-old girl.
Former Kasaka sub-location Administrator Thomas Chesang was accused of intentionally and unlawfully defiling the 14-year-old girl on diverse dates between February and August 2021.
The court heard that the administrator used the minor’s parents and brother to force her to procure an abortion before taking her into hiding in West Pokot, thereby denying her the right to go to school.
While making the ruling, the court jailed the Chief saying the sentence would act as a deterrent to others.