A family in Kisaju, Isinya, Kajiado County has embarked on a frantic search for their missing kin who serves as a clergy.
55-year-old William Mosonik Mako went missing on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at around 5 pm according to his family.
The family filed a missing person report at Kitengela police station yesterday.
Mosonik is a reverend at Jesus Exaltation Church, Emarti branch.
According to his family, he was in a good state of mind and jovial mood on the fateful day he went missing.
The family spokesperson Joseph Taani said the clergy, who owns a butchery in Kitengela town, left his phone at his business place and took a motorbike to the bus station never to be seen again.
“I am Mosonik’s uncle. I was with him on Saturday around midday and he never appeared disturbed. His schedule that day was focused on overseeing his butchery business,” Taani said.
Taani added that the workers at the butchery thought he might have forgotten the phone after he failed to return but he also failed to show up at home which is unusual for him.
“So far we have established he took a motorbike headed to the main stage but no information is forthcoming of the direction he went or who he met at the stage. He had also spoken to his two brothers and wife during the day. He is a man who likes keeping in touch with family and friends,” he said.
The family now appeal to any person who might have seen the clergy to report to the nearest police station.
“We pray and trust that we will get Mosonik sound and safe. He had no family wrangles, he is a peaceful man who has no known enemies,” the uncle added.
On the fateful day Mosonik went missing, he was wearing a black trouser, a maroon t-shirt with cream-white stripes, maroon shoes and a green jacket – according to his wife.