The government has launched an operation to flush out bandits from Kamologon Forest in Elgeyo Marakwet County.
In a statement on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said that any person found within the forest will be treated as a suspect of banditry.
“The government will conduct a major operation at Kamologon Forest to flush out bandits and armed criminals who have for years terrorised residents and used the forest as their hideout. Any person found within the forest will be treated as a suspect of banditry,” Kindiki stated.
The government is also constructing the Tangul-Kamologon- Keren Road (Amani Road) to east transport and communication.
“To facilitate effective communication and prompt response by law enforcement agencies to insecurity and criminal activities, the Government is constructing the Tangul-Kamologon- Keren Road (Amani Road) which links Elgeyo Marakwet County and West Pokot County,” he added.
“Criminals will be pursued individually, and no community will be condemned or profiled by the national security agencies.”
Kindiki also announced that Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties governors Wisley Rotich and Simon Kachapin are engaged in peace talks.
“I commended Governors Wisley Rotich and Simon Kachapin for spearheading peace-building efforts and investing in social economic programs that will enhance harmonious coexistence between communities,” Kindiki said.
The forest has been an infamous hiding den for cattle rustlers due to its thickness and inaccessibility.