Property of unknown value was on Wednesday, August 31 2022, engulfed by fire along Juja road in the Kampala area, Mathare.
The fire is suspected to have been caused by a candle in one of the fifty houses which were destroyed.
Nairobi Metropolitan Service(NMS) firefighters rushed to contain the fire after officers on patrol raised an alarm.
“50 makeshift structures and property of unknown value were engulfed by fire in Kampala Ndogo area of Mathare along Juja Road. Officers on patrol called the NMS engines and two came which helped to contain the fire,” a police report stated.
No life was lost nor was anybody injured during the incident.
Elsewhere in the Kicheko, Syokimau, eight single-roomed mabati houses were destroyed by fire whose cause is yet to be established.
The fire is reported to have started in one of the houses before it spread and destroyed property of unknown value.