Residents of Kamobo village in Kapsabet, Nandi county, woke up to a shocking incident on Friday, December 30, after finding a local family exhuming the body of their son who died 18 years ago.
The man identified as Eliud Maina is said to have died in 2004.
The family said it resolved to exhume the body after settling at a new home in Bahati, Nakuru county.
The family members, who moved to Nakuru in 2007, revealed they wanted to relocate the remains of their son to their new home, saying the spirit of their kin had been troubling them for “leaving him in the cold”.
Family allowed to exhume body
Nandi County Public Health Officer Alfred Bichiy said the move to exhume the boy’s remains was allowed after the family was granted a court order by a Kapsabet Court.
“We are here today with the police officers to ensure the process is done legally and within health protocols,” the officer said.
“The family has a court order. Their elder sister said they wanted their late brother’s body exhumed and reburied in their new home in Nakuru for them to have peace of mind as he (the late brother) has been talking to them through dreams, complaining about why they left him behind alone,” he added.
The deceased passed on in 2004 after a short illness.
Maina’s spirit is also said to have told the family that he (the deceased) wanted to be buried next to his mother’s grave in Nakuru.
“We have already prepared his grave next to that of our late mother. They will finally rest together, next to each other,” said one of the family members who sought anonymity.
A group of health officers from Nandi, security team and village elders joined the family in witnessing the exhumation of Maina’s remains.