Drama ensued at the Kirigi primary school when a parent went berserk and bit the headteacher and two pupils on their fingers in a dramatic scene that paralysed learning for some hours.
While confirming the incident, Lincoln Kithaka, chief of Gandori South location, said the suspect Charity Wanja had been summoned by the teacher in the school after her son failed to undertake her assignment only to turn violent when she got there.
The chief noted that immediately after Wanja was ushered into the headteacher’s office for questioning, she violently descended on the headteacher with kicks and blows before biting her finger.
Two class eight pupils, who had gone to the headteacher’s office, found her on distress call being mishandled by the irate parent and decided to rescue her.
However, they too were not spared. The parent turned on them with the same force and bit their fingers.
“We have advised the three to go to the hospital for treatment since they were bleeding profusely from the injuries inflicted on them by the parent,” the chief said.
Kithaka stated the parent has since been arrested and locked up at the Kirigi police post as investigations commence, adding that she will be arraigned in court after the investigation.
The victims recorded their statements at the same post before proceeding to Embu level 5 hospital for treatment.