Residents of Pilot village in Merigi ward in Bomet county were on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, shocked by a woman who brought home a four kg stone wrapped in a box claiming to be the body of a baby who died immediately after birth.
Family members were informed by the 40-year-old woman that she gave birth but the baby died immediately and she was taking the body home to be buried.
Villagers and family members kicked off all the burial arrangements including the digging of the grave. They also gathered for a prayer before burying the body.
Merigi chief Kiprono Langat says the woman did not want family members to view the body contrary to Kipsigis rites.
Mourners were thrown into suspicion and insisted the sealed box be opened.
They were shocked to find a 4 kg stone wrapped with old clothes in the box and not a body as alleged by the woman.
The villagers became furious to know her intentions but the woman fled.
“We have never heard such acts here and we don’t understand her intentions, we hope the woman will come out and tell us more”, Chief Langat said.
Banana sucker was planted in the already dug grave as it is taboo to leave it open.
Police are now searching for the woman who is at large.