
62-year-old man dies in Embu lodging

12:41 PM

Police in Embu are investigating an incident where a 62-year-old man died in a lodging in Runyenjes town Embu East.

Confirming the incident, Embu East Subcounty deputy police commander Monica Mwarania said that the man yesterday at around 1 am in the morning entered the castle bar and restaurant in the company of a lady only for his body to be discovered lying lifeless later in the evening.

After making his way to the entertainment joint the man ordered some drinks from the bar and carried them to his room.

However, in an hour’s time, the lady is said to have walked out of the room to an unknown destination.

In the incident that attracted a big crowd of people, the man’s body was discovered sprawled on a bed after what is suspected to be a result of one hour’s action, packed with the woman.

The man had his clothes intact while lying lifeless on the bed. The room had the door locked from the inside.

“We received information from village castle bar and restaurant that one man had booked a lodge at the facility around 1300hrs in the night in the company of an unidentified woman and today as they were doing cleaning, they found the room locked from inside and the body of the man was lying lifeless on the bed,” the police boss said.


“The man had his clothes intact.”

The lady is yet to be identified.

His body has been moved to Chuka Lampedusa funeral home awaiting postmortem as investigations into his death commence.


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