Trans Nzoia: Shock as Primary School teacher commits suicide inside his house

Kilgoris: School function turns chaotic as students attack teacher, destroy property

Endebess Estate primary school teacher has committed suicide by hanging himself inside his house in Masaba village, Kiminini constituency, Trans Nzoia County. The 48-year-old Joseph Chemwami, a father of three, took his life some minutes to noon today. Although the motive of his action has not yet been established, it is reported that at 11:41 […]

One person commits suicide every two days since June in Nyeri – police data

At least 30 people have committed suicide in the last two months in Nyeri County with Mukurweini Sub County topping the list of sub counties with the highest suicide cases, police data has revealed. Nyeri county commander Adiel Nyange has said that out 30 suicide cases, 25 are male accounting to 83 percent while five […]