Police officer commits suicide by setting self ablaze

Senior Sergeant George Omomdi Omwa attached to Siaya- Huduma centre was found dead in his house at Administration Police line this morning. According to witnesses, the cop burned down his house at around 8:00 am, and efforts to save the life of the slain officer proved futile. Neighbours noticed smoke billowing from the house before […]

Tears in West Pokot after man commits suicide following his brother’s death

A middle-aged man from Chesta village West Pokot county has committed suicide after his brother passed on. Confirming the incident, West Pokot County police commander Jackson Tumwet said the deceased David Kortini, 39, committed suicide by hanging himself using a lesso on a tree at Maisha Kamili area in Pokot Central sub-county. Tumwet added that […]

10-year-old girl hangs self


Police said that the minor’s body was found dangling from a tree by her mother at their homestead on Friday

Suicide fact sheet: the warning signs and prevention


Globally, over 800,000 people die as a result of suicide every year, translating to 1 death every 40 seconds. Suicide is the second cause of mortality among people aged between 15 and 29. For every suicide, about 20 people make an attempt. Suicides in Kenya The World Health Organization estimates that six out of every 100,000 deaths […]