Omtatah terms new university funding model ill-conceived, calls for return to old model

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah. PHOTO/@Okiyaomtatah/X

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah has criticized the government’s new university funding model, describing it as premature and ill-conceived. In a statement on his X account on Saturday, July 20, 2024, Omtatah expressed concerns over the financial burden now placed on students, particularly the high tuition fees and soaring accommodation and living expenses. “A number of […]

2 bright Homa Bay pupils appeal for help to join Form One

Two bright needy pupils from Homa-Bay County are appealing to well-wishers to support them in their dreams to join secondary school. Ebby Atieno scored 376 marks at Kamasi Primary School, while Koffi Anan, who sat for his exams at Agoro Sare Primary school, scored 363 marks. Ebby was selected to join Asumbi Girls national school […]

Embu: Determined boy reports to Kangaru Boys with cock for Form One admission

A student from Embu county caught teachers by surprise after reporting to Kangaru Boys high school for Form One admission with a cock to cater for his school fees. The student, Lawrence Murimi, was selected to join Kangaru school after scoring 313 marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). Murimi was set to […]

Form Three girl nursing injuries after being attacked by her father over school fees

A Form Three student at Mundaha Secondary School in Khwisero constituency, Kakamega county is admitted at Mwihila mission hospital with injuries after she was allegedly beaten by her father over school fees. Beverlyne Khatondi says she asked his father John Ndakala to clear her School fees balance of Ksh4900 but her father turned against her. […]

Needy student who scored 404 marks offers to sell kidney for secondary education

Marriet Achieng’, a partial orphan from Kipsongo slums within the outskirts of Kitale town, who scored 404 marks at Chetoto Primary School shocked many when she opted to sell one of her kidneys to finance her secondary school education. The 15-year-old girl told K24 Digital that her mother, a hairdresser cannot afford to raise St. […]