Police deny reports on retrieval of 7 bodies from River Yala
The National Police Service (NPS) has denied media reports on alleged retrieval of seven bodies from the infamous River Yala. In a statement on Wenesday, September 21, Police Spokesperso Bruno Shioso clarified that not all the seven bodies lying at the Yala Sub-county Hospital mortury were retrieved from River Yala as reported in a section […]
Man who has been retrieving bodies dumped in River Yala cites police threats, goes into hiding for his dear life
Yala local diver who helped in the retrieval of dead bodies at River Yala now cries foul over alleged intimidation and threats by police. Nicholas Okero Okite, the diver who has been helping in retrieving bodies from the river claims he has received threats and intimidation. He is already in hiding and explains that on […]