Congratulations! Muthoni wa Mukiri is pregnant

Media personality and life coach Muthoni wa Mukiri is pregnant. The content creator announced the news through her social media pages where she shared a snap of her burgeoning bump in a shimmering dress with a caption: “Blessings upon blessings. Baby loading…. For those on a similar journey or hoping to get on the same […]

Muthoni wa Mukiri shares her two cents on ‘baby mamas’

Media personality Muthoni wa Mukiri is offering her take on ‘baby mama situation’ and she’s not holding back. Muthoni who was speaking on her Youtube channel said being a baby mama is not a career noting that men forget their children. “Becoming a baby mama is not a career. If you think you are trapping […]

Ex-TV girl Muthoni wa Mukiri reveals how she met her fiancé

Media personality Muthoni Mukiri has been spilling the beans on her relationship since the couple made their first public appearance. Speaking on her Youtube channel during a Q & A session, Muthoni revealed that she met her fiancé Isaac a year ago at a chama party that comedienne Teacher Wanjiku had invited her. “Isaac was […]