5 dead after stage collapses in political rally in Mexico

A high gust of wind toppled part of the stage at a campaign rally Wednesday evening in northern Mexico, sending a long-shot Mexican presidential candidate running for safety. Five people were reported dead while several others were injured. Candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez wrote in his social media accounts that he went to a hospital after […]

Mexico suspends diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police raid embassy

Mexico is breaking off diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police broke into the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest a former Ecuadorian vice president who has sought political asylum there after being indicted on corruption. Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made the announcement Friday evening after Ecuadorian police forced their way into the Mexican […]

Mexican mayor ‘marries’ crocodile in ceremony meant to bring prosperity

Residents of San Pedro Huamelula, a southwestern Mexican city, were blessed by “prosperity” last week after their mayor Hugo Sosa “married” an alligator. Mr Smosa wedded the small reptile in a ceremony that dates back hundreds of years to pre-Hispanic times and to Mexico’s indigenous communities. Residents danced to traditional music and, according to reports, begged […]

Trump to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists

Donald Trump

The US will legally designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups, President Donald Trump says. The move would enable a wider scope of US action. Mr Trump also said he had told Mexico the US was ready to “go in and clear out” the cartels. In response Mexico’s foreign minister said his country would not […]