Gatundu men decry women untidiness, finger water scarcity

Men from Kagumoini village in Gatundu South, Kiambu County are up in arms with their wives over what they describe as a high level of uncleanness. The men argue that most of the women put on one piece of clothing for a whole week without changing, a situation that is on the verge of triggering […]

Young ladies, listen to Justina Syokau, and other ‘cougars’ at your own peril

Three things are certain in Kenya today: Death, taxes, and that our women have lost it! By Jove! We are increasingly becoming a conglomeration of shameless, deluded, woefully entitled hypocrites. This article should have been penned for my Friday Weekly editions here on K24 Digital. However, palatable manners prevailed and I shelved it for two […]

Women and the hard-to-get game: What men should know

Winning a woman’s heart is an art that many men across the world are yet to satisfactorily master. Pick-up lines have to be well-thought out, and remember that expensive coffee dates are never a guarantee of success when pursuing a lady. Mr man, know that if she looks gorgeous before your eyes, then other men […]