KCSE candidates arrested over relief food theft in Marsabit

Nyeri: Former KDF soldier linked to murder of 2 night guards

Police in Marsabit have arrested three suspects, among them two (KCSE) candidates, in connection with a relief food theft incident at the Mountain location chief’s office in Marsabit Central Sub-County last month. Area Deputy County Commissioner David Saruni told KNA over phone that the suspects who included two Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates […]

Food Authority boss Kello Harsama resigns to run for Marsabit gubernatorial seat

Agriculture and Food Authority(AFA) boss Kello Harsama has tendered his resignation from the government to Peter Munya CS in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives. Harsama’s resignation is in line with an earlier directive by the Head of Public Service, instructing Government and Public Officers vying for political posts to vacate office on […]

Police in Marsabit recover guns as crackdown on illegal firearms intensifies

An initiative by the government to stamp out armed criminal activities in Saku constituency, Marsabit County bore fruits with the recovery of three illegal guns and a collection of 66 rounds of ammunition in Gabra Scheme area this afternoon.   Detectives investigating an assault case reported at the Marsabit Central police station also recovered 400 […]