ODM’s Kwale County office administrator Fatuma Juma Meri dies

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has announced the death of its Kwale office administrator Fatuma Juma Meri. Fatuma, according to Orange party, died on Sunday, May 19, 2024, after a short illness. Until her death, she also served as the ODM women’s league chair for the Msambweni branch. The opposition party termed her a […]

ODM mourns death of Malindi member Mama Zahra

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party is mourning the death of one of its devoted members in Malindi, Mama Zahra. ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga termed her as an unshakeable pillar of the party in Lamu County and an advisor at the national level. “I learnt of the passing on of Mama Zahra with utmost […]