UDA’s Hassan Omar celebrates after ODM lost Magarini MP seat

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Vice Chairman Hassan Omar has taken to his social media platforms to celebrate after Supreme Court nullified the August 9, 2022, election of Magarini Member of Parliament (MP) Harrison Kombe. Kombe who had been elected on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket lost his victory after UDA’s Stanley Karisa Kenga filed […]

Magarini MP Harrison Garama loses his seat in landmark ruling by Supreme Court

In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court has upheld the nullification of Magarini MP Harrison Garama Kombe’s election, solidifying a precedent-setting decision that reverberates through Kenya’s political landscape. A five-judge bench of the apex court affirmed the findings of the Court of Appeal, validating petitioner Stanley Kenga Karisa’s claims of electoral irregularities. Stanley Kenga Karisa, […]