Ten contracts you should read carefully before signing

If you always stop to read the fine print before signing anything, congratulations! If not, beware. Your signature could commit you to a long-term gym membership you do not want, an apartment you cannot afford or worse, paying off someone else’s loan you co-signed. 1.      Insurance contracts You might want to think twice before you […]

Feeling a little broke? Here are some means to an end

Digital lending apps are leaving millions of Kenyans trapped in indebtedness, an expert has told the BBC. [PHOTO | COURTESY]

Are you short on cash? Feeling a little broke? Here are some means to an end. Put your broke days behind you. Fuliza M-PESA This is a service that allows only M-PESA customers to complete their M-PESA transactions when they have insufficient funds in their M-PESA account. Mshwari Safaricom also have M-Shwari. In order to qualify […]