10 Ways to prepare for, protect against, treat t******s exposure

Teargas lobbed at All Saints' Cathedral Church in Nairobi. PHOTO/@allsaintsnrb/X

As Kenyans commit to take to the streets to protest against the high cost of living occasioned by excessive government taxation, one thing for sure is that there is going to be plenty of t******s meted on demonstrators by the law enforcement officers. Firing t******s and other crowd-control w*****s are deceptively known as “less-lethal,” however […]

H*************s of taking caffeine

Couple enjoying coffee. PHOTO/Pexels

It is there naturally in your morning coffee and cup of tea or added to your favourite energy drink and many popular soft drinks.  For many of us, a slug of caffeine can give our bodies and brains a much-needed boost if we are feeling a little sluggish. There’s a huge body of evidence around […]

Do you keep an ex on your socials after a breakup?

Black couple arguing. PHOTO/Pexels

If you are in a romantic relationship with someone, you will likely have photos together on Instagram or other social media sites. And just like any relationship, things could turn nasty and result in a break-up.  What do you do now that your relationship has ended? You probably inform your family members and close friends […]

Khalif Kairo lists things he can’t tolerate in his life

C*r enthusiast Khalif Kairo recently highlighted four key guiding principles that would stand the test of time, even on the verge of d***h.  Sharing on his Instagram stories through a question and answer series, the 27-year-old business mogul highlighted four key rules that are his guiding light. These principles, which he refers to as his […]

Easy ways to stop the shame, cure sweaty palms naturally

For many young individuals, sweaty palms are perhaps the most annoying thing ever. Just as you are about to meet someone for the first time, your palms start to gush water everywhere. How exactly do you extend that handshake, for example? I agree that both the issue and the condition themselves are embarrassing to deal […]