Wilson Sossion bows down to pressure, resigns from KNUT

Wilson Sossion

Wilson Sossion has, on Friday, June 25 resigned from his position as Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General. “I have today decided that in the interest of KNUT continuity, its membership and myself I hereby today the 25th day of June 2021, bow out of KNUT leadership honourably. “I shall remain loyal to KNUT […]

Kuppet swoops in for Knut members as union fights off Sossion, TSC

Wilson Sossion’s removal from office took place on Thursday, when 39 members of KNUT’s decision-making organ, NEC, voted unanimously to endorse his ouster. [PHOTO | FILE]

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) is planning to pounce on its embattled rival in a mass recruitment drive that targets to enlist members weary of Knut’s power struggles. Sensing a weakening of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) amid internal power struggles, Kuppet seeks to capitalize on the crisis by recruiting […]