World Press Freedom Day: Journalists urged to verify news sourced from social media
Journalists have been urged to shun picking unverified news from social media and reporting them instead of verifying facts before disseminating them to the public. Nyanza Chapter Kenya Correspondents Association ( KCA) chairman Araka Matara noted that social media is awash with unverified information and journalists could easily fall into the trap of reporting wrong […]
Police boss orders probe after officers rough up, frog-march journalists in Thika
Journalists were following up a case in which court orderlies were accused of colluding with court clerks to extort bribes from litigants.
Farmers more active in bed than other professions, rate their performance ‘incredible’: study
New study shows farmers have most fun in the bedroom out of any other profession after a third of those surveyed boast about having it at least once a day.