PHOTOS: Kalonzo honors 80-year-old teacher who shaped his life

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka with his teacher Dickson Ireri Kathambaria during his birthday celebration in Embu on Saturday, August 17, 2024. PHOTO/@skmusyoka/X

Wiper Democratic Movement Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka on Saturday, August 17, 2024, paid tribute to his former Economics and History teacher as he marked his 80th birthday. The event, held in Runyenjes, Embu County, was a gathering of family, friends, and prominent figures who came together to honor a man who has significantly impacted the […]

Azimio demos: Kioni calls upon Uhuru supporters to act

Jubilee Party secretary general Jeremiah Kioni has called upon members of the Jubilee Party and supporters of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to take part in subsequent anti-government protests. Speaking on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, Kioni insisted that the police cannot take away the right to peaceful protests from Kenyans. “If we continue giving powers to […]

Jeremiah Kioni dismissed as Jubilee Party Secretary General

The Jubilee Party Chairman Nelson Dzuya has announced the dismissal of former Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni as the Secretary General of the Uhuru-led outfit. The party leadership stated that the former lawmaker has been suspended on the basis of laxity and misconduct. Speaking at the Jubilee Party Parliamentary Group meeting in Nakuru, the party’s top […]

Ruto holds virtual campaign for UDA candidate in Rurii mini poll


Deputy President William Ruto on Friday held a virtual campaign for Rurii Ward United Democratic Alliance (UDA) candidate Francis Muraya Githaiga. In a phone call, the DP addressed area residents and drummed up support for the candidate saying he will be the first UDA elected leader from Nyandarua County. “I thank you for supporting the […]