Gatundu: Woman found dead along Karimenu River

Shock has gripped Ndekei, Kariua and Kiriko villages in Gatundu North, Kiambu County after a middle-aged woman was found dead inside the Karimenu River. Villagers told journalists that besides the river, a section of the unidentified woman’s clothes including a pullover, skirt, blouse and different forms of drugs were found, which signalled that the woman […]

Gatundu: Women brave heavy rains to protest rampant sale of illicit alcohol

A group of angry women from Kairi village in Gatundu North, Kiambu County today braved a heavy downpour to protest against the rampant sale and consumption of illicit alcohol and drugs in the village. Holding placards and carrying twigs, the irked women who marched around the streets of Kairi town took issue with local authorities […]

Court stops construction of Ksh13B Ndarugu dam in Gatundu

The High Court has suspended the construction of the Ndarugu II dam in Gatundu North, Kiambu County pending the hearing of a petition by landowners who have declined to cede their parcels of land for the multi-billion project. Lady Justice Grace Kemei of Lands and Environment Court in Thika gave interim orders suspending the government’s […]

Gatundu residents vandalise Karimenu dam pipeline as they protest acute shortage of water

Prolonged acute water shortage at Gatundu South and North constituencies in Kiambu county has degenerated into a crisis that is now causing vandalism of existing water infrastructure as thirsty residents fight to quench their thirst. Days after most water sources in the area dried up leaving local water service providers with nowhere to draw water […]

Kiambu: Man drowns at River Chania after consuming illicit brew

Mwingi: Two commit suicide under unknown circumstances

A middle-aged man from Makwa village in Gatundu North, Kiambu County has drowned at River Chania after reportedly taking an illicit brew. The man identified as Harrison Kamau is reported to have been overly intoxicated at the time of the incident. He reportedly staggered into the river as he was trying to cross over to […]