Amber Ray: Bullying nearly forced me out of school

Controversial socialite Faith Makau, alias Amber Ray has disclosed that constant bullying almost forced her out of school. The socialite mother of one is among Kenyan social media personalities who have never shied from speaking their mind no matter how controversial. Bullying in school In a video on her YouTube channel, Amber narrated that her […]

Moving on! Amber Ray removes ex-lover Jamal’s tattoo on her back

Socialite Amber Ray whose real name is Faith Makau is seemingly moving on after removing her ‘sneaky ink’ of ex-lover Jimal Ibrahim Marlow, alias Jamal Rohosafi. Amber who was first accused of rolling with someone else’s husband first shared a photo of her freshly-inked tattoo tribute to her bae around June 2021 as a sign […]