Siaya: 16-year-old pupil dies after stepping on electricity line

A 16-year-old standard seven pupil lost her life after she was electrocuted at Kamalunga village in Usonga location within Alego/Usonga sub-county. The girl who has been identified as Christine Auma Okech is said to have been struck and killed when she stepped on an electricity line that was lying along a footpath near her grandparents’ […]

61-year-old woman, two dogs electrocuted in Mt Elgon

Residents of Tuikut village, Sasur location, Mt. Elgon constituency in Bungoma county woke up to shocking news after a 61-year-old woman was electrocuted. Confirming the incident that happened on Tuesday morning, the area Chief Jackson Komon said Emily Psongoywo was electrocuted on a neighbour’s fence while deliver milk to a nearby church. Komon confirmed that […]