Defeated Trump gives Biden access to President’s Daily Brief
It follows a formal notice by the General Services Administration Monday night that the formal transition of government can proceed.
It’s official: Trump’s administration finally okays transition into a Biden Presidency
The letter is the first step the administration has taken to acknowledge President Donald Trump’s defeat.
Report: Armed men arrested in Philadelphia were trying to deliver fake ballots
A woman who was traveling with the men has not been arrested, Krasner said.
Fox News tells anchors not to call Biden ‘President-elect,’ then seems to change its tune
At the same time, Trump campaign officials have blasted Fox for projecting on Tuesday night that Biden will win Arizona’s electoral votes.
There will be a recount of votes in Georgia
Biden’s lead represented 49.4% of the votes counted against Trump’s 49.4%. At the time, 99% of the votes had been counted.
Trump has told people he has no plans to concede
Aides, including his chief of staff Mark Meadows, have not attempted to bring Trump to terms of what’s happening.
Joe Biden poised to quickly move to announce more pieces of transition
The stage is still set in Wilmington, with fireworks still waiting if the speech happens tonight.