Wednesday power blackout set to hammer 8 counties

Kenya Power has announced a scheduled power outage set for Wednesday, August 27, 2024, that will affect parts of the country. The outage is planned for maintenance purposes, with different regions experiencing temporary power cuts throughout the day. In a statement on its official website, Kenya Power said, “Notice is hereby given under Rule 27 […]

New revenue sharing formula repeat of history, say MPs from ASAL counties

The Senate. PHOTO/Courtesy.

The Pastoralist Parliamentary Group (PPG) has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and his handshake ally Raila Odinga to intervene to unlock the revenue sharing formula row that has created a standoff in the Senate. With the divisions being witnessed in the Senate, the legislators said the stalemate is likely to persist throwing counties into serious financial […]

Revealed: Most counties not ready to tackle Covid-19 pandemic, Senate team warns


The majority of county governments are either not ready or ill-prepared to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic which is now in at least 21 counties, representatives of healthcare workers, unions and professional associations have said. They include health workers unions such as the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union, Kenya Union of Clinical Officers and the […]