Mombasa ultra-modern cancer treatment centre nears completion

Coast General Hospital

The construction of a comprehensive cancer treatment centre in Mombasa to cater for the large Coast region is nearly complete. The ultra-modern facility project which is within the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital compound is set to offer radiotherapy treatment. The new centre is a joint project of the national government and the Mombasa County. Speaking […]

MUINDI: That loose tooth, chronic heartburn, abdominal pain could be a sign of cancer

In the fight against cancer, we all have a role to play. PHOTO | FILE

This is a Black July — black in the sense that three giants have gone down because of this common denominator: cancer. Bob Collymore started, Ken Okoth followed. Then now, Joyce Laboso has followed suit. The above victims are the who-is-who, so I’m imagining how many people have succumbed silently in the villages. Cancer is […]