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5 times Amina Rabar showed us how to dress like rich aunty

Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

It is impossible to think of a rich aunty in Nairobi without thinking of Amina Rabar. Her impeccable taste exemplifies why we adore this fashion style.

The media personality Amina knows how to dress like a rich aunt, and she truly is one. She steals the spotlight whenever she attends events or hosts shows.

In today’s ever-changing fashion world, one trend is capturing the spotlight and capturing the hearts of style enthusiasts, is rich aunty vibes fashion.

It fuses opulence with timeless elegance and is unapologetically luxurious.

Here are five ways Amina’s outfits have inspired  Kenyan ladies to be aspiring rich aunties:

1. Blooming black boldness

Amina doesn’t just wear outfits; she styles them. The luxurious black studded blazer dress and oversized floppy fedora hat would truly steal the show.

Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

2. Snatched to perfection

Looking snatched is important for every rich aunt. Amina rocks a hidden corset off-shoulder peplum skirt set giving chic vibes.

Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

3.  Flower power

Amina is a queen who enjoys the floral look, she extends to her earrings with little flowers on them. Her bulky jewellery always adds an extra touch of flair.

Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

4. Mistress of colour block

Living the rich auntie life also involves colour-blocking, where need be. Amina gives prominence to colour by pairing a burnt orange top with fuscia pants, a perfect combination that is not all over the place.

Media Personalities Amina Rabar and Tracy Wanjiru at the Trend Show. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personalities Amina Rabar and Tracy Wanjiru. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

5. African goddess

Amina is a queen of dramatic puffy sleeves, anything just be a little extra. This floral is  an inspiration to all aspiring rich aunties, especially those who love turning heads. Perfect for Ruracios and traditional manenos, it will always add an extra touch of flair.

Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram
Media Personality Amina Rabar. PHOTO/@aminaabdirabar/Instagram

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