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Step-by-step navigation of People Daily app

Valerian Khakayi
A poster of People Daily News app
A poster of People Daily News app.PHOTO/Screengrab/K24 digital

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As People Daily marks a new beginning in the digital world, the 32-year-old publication has officially launched a News app enabling readers to access the paper in a soft copy.

To help you navigate through the app with ease, the People Daily News app contains key features.

Here are some of the highlights of the People Daily News app’s key features and its functions after you have downloaded the News app.

Launch screen

The launch screen, the first thing you see upon opening the News app, features a welcoming design inspired by the People Daily cover page.


Speaking during the official launch of the People Daily News app at Kibiku Forest on Friday, November 29, 2024, the Head of Digital, Nzwili George explained that after the app provides a brief overview of what is contained which gives users an option to choose which content they want to consume.

“You have content from the papers, you have your own tailored that you can save and you have settings that help you manage how you interact with the app other are people who choose not to use data, others are people who choose to use data or wifi you can manage that within the app,” Nzwili George explained.

Head of Digital, Nzwili George
Head of Digital, Nzwili George.PHOTO/Screengrab/K24digital

Personalized preferences

This feature gives you the privilege of choosing which news category you want to see first and it also enables you to choose a customized screen of what you want to see when you get into the e-paper.

“There are several topics we have news, sports, inside politics, lifestyle, Insights and commerce which is the business news,” he highlighted.


To enhance navigation, the homepage includes a bottom menu with four button options. The first button on the left provides live news feeds, the second gives access to the e-paper, the third displays personalized content, and the fourth opens app settings.

“When you are getting live news on the go as long as you are on and your data is switched on you will be updated in real-time, next one is the e-paper you will get your digital daily copy of the e-paper and still get the archives of every other publication that has ever been published by people daily,” he added.

A poster of People Daily News app
A poster of the People Daily newspaper going digital.PHOTO/Screengrab/K24digital

E-paper versatility

Within the e-paper, you can open any article and double-tap it to read, save it as a standalone item, or share it with others outside the app.

Saving option

In addition to offering convenient access to news content, the app is designed to be data-friendly. It allows you to save your favorite articles from both the live news feed and the e-paper.

Saved articles are stored in the ‘My Content’ section under bookmarks. You can also download and save the e-paper in this section for offline access.

App settings

This feature allows you to control your data usage, helping you navigate the app without incurring high data costs.

Additionally, a help screen is available to assist users with any issues, ensuring support is easily accessible when needed.

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