‘Anatamani maisha mazuri na hana talent’ – Ringtone offers to help ‘broke’ Eric Omondi

By , October 15, 2022

Ringtone has come out to blast Eric Omondi for pretending that he is rich while according to him he is talentless and broke.

Speaking during an interview on The Trend on Friday night October 15, 2022, Ringtone said he offered to employ Eric a while back but he turned down his request.

“Eric Omondi kwanza nilimwambia siku ingine akuje nimuandike Runda kwangu akakataa kucome. Naweza muandika akue compound manager. (I told Eric Omondi one day to come I employ him at my house in Runda and he refused. I can employ him as a compound manager),” Ringtone said.

Ringtone further insisted that he could only employ Eric as a houseboy because he has no talent.

“Eric Omondi hana talent so maybe naweza muandika kama houseboy,” he said.

Fake lifestyle

The controversial gospel singer also claimed that Eric Omondi yearns for a good life when he can’t afford it. He cited the incident where the comedian claimed to own a big mansion in Karen only later to reveal that the house was for Airbnb rental.

“Eric Omondi anatamani maisha mazuri ndo unaona anapost manyumba za watu za Airbnb. Bila hivyo hawezi ishi Runda so akuje nimuandike kama houseboy. (Eric Omondi wants a good life, you see he posts people’s Airbnb houses. Without that, he cannot live in Runda, so let him come I employ him as a houseboy,” Ringtone said.

Asked how much he would pay Eric, Ringtone said Ksh50,000 a month.

“Naweza mulipa Ksh50,000,” he said.

The Trend’s host told Ringtone that Eric drives a Range Rover and that he was not broke as he claimed; to which the singer claimed the Range Rover was fake.

“A Range Rover? Fake hio. Unajua kuna Range Rover fake za China,” Ringtone stated.

“Eric Omondi mi naweza msaidia. Kwa sababu sasa yeye si msanii na anashinda anaongea mambo yetu vizuri na najua hawezi imba, akuje nimuandike kazi kama houseboy. (I can help Eric Omondi. Because he is not an artiste and he keeps talking about our issues well and I know he can’t sing, let him come I employ him as a houseboy),” Ringtone added.

Eric and Ringtone had a beef last year after the latter accused the former of sleeping with girls who featured on his Wife Material reality series.

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