‘Kama rais ameolewa’ – Pastor Ezekiel urges single mothers to get married after Akothee’s wedding
Mombasa-based evangelist pastor Ezekiel Odera has asked single mothers to get married after their president Akothee ultimately got married.
Akothee, who used to refer to herself as the president of single mothers, got married to Denis Schweizer alias Omondi in a colourful wedding held at Windsor Golf Hotel on April 10, 2023.
Speaking at a crusade in Mombasa, pastor Ezekiel said single mothers have no business remaining single since the president of single mothers Akothee herself got married.
“Ata yule binti anaitwa Akothee aliyekuwa anaitwa president wa single mothers ameolewa, wewe pia uolewe kwa jina la Yesu Kristo,” the preacher said.
Pastor Ezekiel, who ministers at the New Life Church in Mombasa City, added that all cabinet secretaries, CASs and government workers (in reference to Akothee’s ‘government’) must get married since the president herself got hitched.
“Kama rais ameolewa, cabinet secretaries na CAS pamoja na wafikazi wote wa serikali wote waolewe. Niliona nkafurahi nkasema ikiwa president wa single mothers ameolewa all single mothers wapate roho ya ndoa,” pastor Ezekiel said.
Welcome to goat wives’ club
Sarah Kabu, the wife of Bonfire Adventures CEO Simon Kabu, was quick to welcome Akothee to the goat wives’ club after she got married.
Sarah is the self-proclaimed president of the goat wives association of Kenya.
‘Goat wives’ are women who are legally married or have cohabited with their spouses for so long that they are married in the eyes of society. Any woman who dares touch one of their own, by daring to date their men, usually gets the backlash online and is automatically branded a homewrecker or husband snatcher.
Sarah lauded Akothee for leaving the single mothers’ club and welcomed her to the goat wives’ club.
She encouraged single mothers who love marriages to remain hopeful, now that their president Akothee is officially off the market. She further advised them to keep searching for their partners instead of dwelling on the past.
“All smiles… What a happy day welcoming the President of single mums @akotheekenya to the #goatwivesclub again. Any single mum in the house who loves marriage.. just know there’s hope. NI KUOGA NA KURUDI SOKO,” Sarah Kabu wrote on Instagram after attending Akothee’s wedding.