
Oga Obinna urges 2mbili to seek spiritual help to save himself from calamities

11:52 AM
Oga Obinna urges 2mbili to seek spiritual help to save himself from calamities
YouTuber Oga Obinna at a past event. PHOTO/@ogaobinna/Instagram

YouTuber Oga Obinna has called on his estranged friend and content creator 2mbili to seek spiritual deliverance to save himself from the constant problems he is facing.

In a video, Obinna detailed that 2mbili was constantly facing weird unexplainable calamities which he believes have been caused by evil dark spirits.

He reminisced the number of times 2mbili has found himself in problems and described the instances as demonic.

The YouTuber subsequently recommended that his estranged friend get prayers and some spiritual healing to stop the wave of problems manifesting in his life.

“There was a time when 2mbili was my personal person, and we rolled for a minute. However, it got to a point where I rolled back kidogo, called myself for a meeting, and decided to continue with other things. We still engage indirectly because I have employed his girlfriend.

“I seriously recommend you get some spiritual engagement. I don’t know it is what capacity, whether it is prayer or fasting. I seriously recommend it,” he said.

Additionally, Obinna also urged 2mbili to consider changing friends who derail him in life highlighting that his children need him to set things right.

“Something needs to happen. Something has to give. I don’t know what it is but prayer would be a nice place to start and fasting. Then also take other people to pray for you. Change your friends, maybe, I don’t know. He is just there, and he will sleep wherever darkness finds him. You are a father, and your kids need you. This recklessness and carelessness you are doing, no,” he added.

Obinna’s remarks come a month after 2Mbili was involved in a road accident with his girlfriend Jackie Ogaga.

Confirming the unfortunate incident, the content creator shared that they escaped unhurt, thanking God for the gift of life.

“A dark Sunday Night! Wueeeh!My driver @presenter_ali & @jackie_ogaga are very safe!! #GodWin,” he said.


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