
Noti Flow accuses Eric Omondi of copying her gifting ideas

03:16 PM

Comedian Eric Omondi’s girlfriend, Lyne, recently celebrated her birthday and what other way would the President of African comedy take in celebrating his girlfriend’s big day than buy her a Toyota Vitz?

The celebration, however, didn’t go as perfect as it could have after rapper Noti Flow accused the funnyman of copy-pasting her ideas in celebrating his girlfriend’s big day.

Noti Flow’s claims come after she also bought her girlfriend a blue Volkswagen, the same model and colour Omondi bought for Lynne.

The Foto Moto hitmaker, therefore, revealed that she is planning to buy her girlfriend a much more expensive gift to see if Eric can once again copy her moves.

“Next, I’m buying you a plane to see if they’ll copy.’ Noti Flow wrote, tagging her girlfriend.

Noti’s post gained a lot of attraction and below are just a few comments.

People have been buying cars sio wewe umekuja na hii story
Kwani, you are the first one to buy a car, watu tumebuyiwa gari na tunapewa stiek na hatusumbui, mnunulie hata Wilson airport tukutambue.

Plane umeenda sana just buy her a Rolls Royce

Skia huyu sasa watu wasinunue gari?


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