
Jahmby Koikai furious after blog runs fake story that she attempted suicide

07:00 AM
Jahmby Koikai furious after blog runs fake story that she attempted suicide
Media personality Jahmby Koikai PHOTO/@jahmby koikai/Instagram

Radio girl Jahmby Koikai took to her social media accounts on Saturday September 25, 2021 to debunk a story run by a local blog claiming that she attempted to commit suicide.

The reggae emcee, who in the recent past underwent series of surgeries and complications since she was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 29, expressed her disappointment at the blog for running a false yet sensitive story about her.

Jahmby, who says she has been rebuilding her life after a painstaking battle with endometriosis, stated that the blog’s actions were rather uncouth and uncalled for. She beseeched the ill-intentioned writers to be cautious and to engage wisdom before running such sensitive stories based on falsified grounds.

“I’m just having a beautiful evening with my mom and someone somewhere is writing such horrible stories. This is very wrong. Whoever it is writing these stories, please be cautious and engage wisdom in what you’re doing. This is uncouth and uncalled for surely.

“Please give me a break. I’m living my life, working, minding my own business, rebuilding my life and always grateful to God for another chance at life.This is horrible but watch what God is going to do in my life. To the writer, may God embarrass your wicked intentions and thoughts on my life,” she posted.

In their story, that Jahmby has since rubbished, the blog claimed that the radio girl was admitted at a private facility after ingesting a toxic concoction.

In her statement, Jahmby sought to clear the air about the alleged admission in hospital, stating that she was home with her mother. This is not the first time that the endometriosis survivor has been subject to fake news.

The radio girl was forced to clear up rumors in May 2019 that said she had passed away while undergoing treatment for Thoracic Endometriosis abroad. She stated then that the reports that she was dead were completely false and utterly misleading.


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