Drama ensued in Grassland area, Kitale, after an irate lady forced her husband out of a luxury Lexus car along the busy Eldoret – Kitale highway citing infidelity.
The woman identified as Terry Wabongo said, apart from sleeping around with many other women, the man has been misusing their family business to entertain his mipango ya kando.
Visibly out of control, Wabongo revealed that the man doesn’t have money and that she had bought him everything including the car. She also asserts that she owns their liquor business 100 per cent and that she was not going to let it go down.
Terry said her husband Ken Juma is a notorious womanizer in the area who seem not to care about their marriage.
“He must return everything I gave him. He is such a loser who has nothing to show save for surviving on women’s sweat,” retorted the agitated lady.
“He has been a serious liar who has been using me for cash to fund her many other women,” she added.
The husband was forced to trek to town after the alteration; the car and everything else having been confiscated by the lady who also broke the doors to the business premise so as to fully take control of the liquor business.
Locals say the shop had been closed by the husband due to the couple’s alleged disagreement.