Langata parliamentary aspirant Felix Odiwuor also known as Jalango is offering Ksh 100,000 to anyone with information that will lead to the arrest of his famous groundsmen Eli Omundu and Morrison Litiema.
The former Radio presenter revealed that the duo stole money from a car they were assigned to wash. He stated that the suspects have gone into hiding and had switched off their phones.
The political aspirant did not disclose the amount of money that his trusted employees who have now gone rogue eloped with.
“Eli and Litiema are on the run, this morning they stole money from the car they were washing at home, their phones are off and they are running with their families. If you see them please report at the nearest police station A reward of 100k for any information leading to their arrest,” Jalango said in a post.
Eli and Litiema have been Jalango’s employees for years. The duo, who have over time rode on the fame of their boss to create a brand for themselves, landed job opportunities at Jalango’s home when they were ardent fans of a radio show that he hosted alongside renowned presenter Alex Mwakideu.
Mwakideu also calls for the arrest of Jalango’s employees
While weighing in on the matter, Mwakideu expressed his disappointment in the duo he claims he helped secure employment. The Milele FM presenter also appealed to anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the suspects to report to the nearest police station.
“Elly and Litiema… Niliwasaidia kupata job kwa kakangu Jalas… And you were doing so well… It’s so sad to learn that you have stolen money from a man who treated you so well. I am a disappointed man. Pole sana @jalangoo … Please help us find these two… and report them to the nearest police station when you hear a thing about them,” he posted.