Police officers in Matariba Village, Merti Sub- County in Isiolo are investigating an incident where a hand grenade blew up killing two minors who mistook it for a soccer ball.
The two passed on, leaving locals and officers wondering how the killer device ended up in their hands.
According to a police report seen by K24 Digital reveals that the incident which left the two; aged seven and eight, had caused an uproar from locals who want the problem addressed immediately.
Cases of hand grenades causing deaths in the area have been on the rise. The incident happened along Yamicha- Duma road.
One of the minors died on the spot, located outside the home of a local policeman identified as Dabaso Huka, while the other was pronounced dead on arrival at a local hospital.
In his complaint to the police, Huka could not fathom how the grenade ended up in his home.
A detective privy to the ongoing investigation said that the police had already made a conclusion that the device that caused the deaths was a hand grenade.
He further revealed that detectives were following possible leads in order to establish whether the incident was linked to another incident which happened early this year.
In the February 21 incident, police recovered two hand grenades, an AK-47 firearm and 128 rounds of ammunition. In the incident, three individuals were nabbed.
However, another vehicle which is believed to have carried more weapons managed to escape the scene untroubled.
“The device could have been dropped by the criminals who escaped during the incident,” said the police source.