Residents of Eshiakhulo village in Mumias East, Kakamega County, have been treated to a rare occurrence after a 60-year-old man was caught placing eggs in a coffin during the burial of a prominent business lady as the service was ongoing.
According to those who witnessed the bizarre occurrence, the funeral service of the late Jane Mguu popularly known in the village as Raila was ongoing when Benson Wetende an in-law to the deceased from the neighbouring Shibuli area was seen stealthily approaching the coffin and placing two eggs beside the late’s ears.
“We thought he was going to pay his last respect since the deceased was a well-known business lady around here, but we were shocked to see him dropping two eggs inside the coffin,” Stella Musimbi who witnessed the whole saga narrated.
The evidently surprised mourners and relatives roughed him up and forced him to explain the motive behind his actions, with some accusing Watende of being a witch.
“We asked him what the motive behind his actions was, but he could not explain,” Musimbi said.
The presiding bishop from Faith Believers church Simon Malenya was forced to cut short the service as he tried to save the old man from irate mourners after he failed to explain his reason for placing the eggs in the coffin.
The old man was whisked away from the burial ceremony with family members of the deceased asking their clan elders to find out what could be happening.
“We want him to explain why he put the eggs in our mother’s coffin and the motive behind it because we have much respect for him as our uncle,” Wycliffe Ambwere the son of the deceased said.
The incident was condemned by the local church leaders led by bishop Malenya and local administrator Sheban Lumbasi.