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Nigeria governor approves law to castrate, remove fallopian tubes of child rapists

A 46-year-old man from Bulapesa Sub-Location in Isiolo Town has been arrested on suspicion of defiling an 18-month old baby. [PHOTO | FILE]
Photo used for illustration only. PHOTO/COURTESY

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The governor of Nigeria’s north-western Kaduna state, Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai, has signed a law providing tough penalties for convicted rapists.

The law provides for surgical castration and death sentence for those convicted of raping a child below the age of 14.

Where the victim is over 14 years, the law provides for surgical castration and life imprisonment.

Female adults convicted of raping a child will face bilateral salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes) and death.

In rape cases where the victim is under the age of 14, a medical report will be necessary to corroborate the allegations.

Child rapists will also be listed in a sex offenders register to be published in the media.

The governor confirmed he had signed the law in a tweet on Wednesday evening.

State lawmakers passed the bill last week.

Kaduna is the only state in Nigeria with such legal provisions on rape.

There has been growing public outcry and campaigns against rape across Nigeria in recent months. Although there have been numerous arrests, the number of convictions is believed to be low.

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