The High Court on Wednesday ordered one car and five parcels of land belonging to three Ngirita family members forfeited to the state because they are proceeds of crime.
In an application by the Assets Recovery Agency (ARA), Phylis Njeri Ngirita, Lucy Wambui Ngirita and Jeremiah Gichina Ngirita were listed as respondents.
Two companies, Platnum Credit Ltd and Opportunity International Wedco Ltd, were also listed as interested parties in the ARA application in which it sought the forfeiture to the state of three vehicles and five parcels of land belonging to the Ngiritas.
In her ruling, Justice Mumbi Ngugi ordered a Toyota Station Wagon, KCH 753U, belonging to Phylis Ngirita and Opportunity International Wedco forfeited to the state.
However, while Justice Mumbi found that the two other cars were also proceeds of crime, she excluded them from the properties subject to forfeiture to protect the interests of the Platnum Credit Ltd.
On the matter land owned by the three Ngiritas, the High Court judge ordered all five parcels of land forfeited to the state and transferred to the ARA.
The parcels of land are located in Trans Nzoia and Nakuru counties.
The Ngiritas owned 0.7 hectares in Trans Nzoia, 0.235 hectares in Naivasha, a quarter of an acre in Nakuru East, 0.084 hectares in Kiamunyi, and another 0.045 hectares in Mwichiringi in Naivasha.
The judge also ordered Sh800,000 belonging to Phylis and held in a KCB Bank account released to Opportunity International Wedco Ltd.
In her judgment, Justice Mumbi said that the family received over Sh500 million from the National Youth Service, a public state organ, within a period of two years.
“The evidence indicates that from the time they received the money, they went on something of a spending spree. They not only purchased the three motor vehicles but also purchased real estate property which are also subject in this case ” read part of the judgement.
Further, the judge said the Ngirita did not deny the claims that they purchased the properties at the time alleged by the ARA.