President Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday convened the Fifth Extraordinary Session of the National and County Governments Coordinating Summit following the surge in Covid-19 infections across the country.
The session will be held this Friday, July 24, according to the communication from the State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena-Mararo.
“The session has been convened following a surge of COVID-19 infections across our Nation; with the disease having now manifested in 44 of our 47 counties,” Dena-Mararo said.
It is expected to be a status conference that will assess the counties’ state preparedness within the wider national response to the novel coronavirus pandemic and evaluate Kenya’s overall national response and capacity.
The meeting will also review the efficacy of the containment measures in place and review the impact of the phased easing of the restrictions that were in place and also consider the evolution of the disease and the medical models on how COVID-19 may propagate within our country over the months of August and September 2020.
“His Excellency calls on all Kenyans to continue applying the simple but yet most effective individual and collective measures that are our Nation’s best weapon against COVID-19,” Dena-Mararo said.
The government has also urged Kenyans to continue correctly wearing facemasks while in public spaces, apply correct face and observe the social distancing guidelines and protocols that have been put in place to safeguard our individual and collective health and safety.