Police in Kakamega have launched a hunt for a 40-year-old man accused of killing his friend-cum-colleague after allegedly catching him (friend) engaging in sexual intercourse with his (suspect’s) wife.
The incident happened at the home of the suspect, Edmond Inzai, a resident of Kona Mbaya Village in Lugari Constituency, Kakamega County on Sunday night (June 28).
The deceased, 32-year-old Fred Khamasi, a youth leader at African Divine Church (ADC), left his home at around 9pm Sunday without disclosing where he was going, his wife, Ann Alusa, told K24 Digital.
“Later, at around 11pm, he returned home with deep panga cuts inflicted to his head, arms and different parts of his body. Blood was gushing from the cut parts,” said Alusa.
The distressed wife took her spouse to Lumakanda Sub-County Hospital, where he died while receiving treatment.
Authorities have since established that Khamasi was attacked by Inzai; a love rival, the husband of a woman he (Khamasi) was allegedly caught having sexual intercourse with on Sunday night.
It is alleged that 40-year-old Inzai, one of the preachers at Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) Church in Lugari, returned home unannounced and caught Khamasi, 32, in the act with his 29-year-old wife.
The suspect is said to have reached for a panga and hacked Khamasi repeatedly in different parts of his body before fleeing the scene. During the melee, the suspect’s wife escaped, police said.
Kakamega County Police Commander, Hassan Barua, told K24 Digital that a hunt for the suspect has been launched.
The deceased’s mother, Elemina Khakasa, has urged police to ensure her son’s killer is arrested and prosecuted.
Khamasi’s body was moved to Kakamega County Teaching and Referral Hospital morgue.