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IPOA provides update on investigations in 39 deaths during demos

IPOA chairperson Anne Makori. PHOTO/X (@anne_makori)
IPOA chairperson Anne Makori. PHOTO/X (@anne_makori)

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) has provided an update on its investigation into deaths following recent protests that have rocked the country.

IPOA revealed that they have monitored police conduct during public order management exercises in the protests and are currently investigating 39 deaths, 150 serious injuries, and 7 abductions across the country.

IPOA on Rex

Following the death of Rex Kanyike Masai, the authority has revealed that they have conducted investigations and are waiting to receive expert reports on his case.

Slain protester Rex Kanyike Masai. PHOTO/@HEBabuOwino/X
Slain protester Rex Kanyike Masai. PHOTO/@HEBabuOwino/X

“IPOA has made significant investigative progress as follows: attended the post-mortem and obtained the report on cause of death on 21 June 2024, recorded witness statements, visited and documented the crime scene including collection of evidence, concluded the analysis of CCTV and other video footage of the incident, obtained necessary police documents, obtained necessary medical documents, requested the deployment plans from the Nairobi Police Commander, summoned various police officers to record statements, submitted various samples for forensic and ballistics analysis, and we are awaiting expert reports and recording more witness accounts,” IPOA said.

Regarding the death of Evans Kiratu, the authority stated that it launched investigations into his death as he was among youth demonstrating within the Nairobi CBD on June 20, 2024.

IPOA said they were currently obtaining expert reports on his death and more witness accounts.

“IPOA has made the following steps: attended the post-mortem and obtained the report on the cause of death on 25 June 2024, visited and documented the crime scene including collection of necessary forensic evidence, recorded witness statements, contacted the police for necessary documentation, and issued police summons for statement recording. Pending tasks include obtaining expert reports and recording more witness accounts,” the statement added.

The authority has also revealed that it is looking into the fatality shootings at the parliament and has attended post-mortems for six protestors, confirming that 11 people died following the shootings.

“IPOA launched investigations into the fatal shooting and serious injury of protestors following demonstrations in the Nairobi CBD, including the National Assembly on 25 June 2024. Arising from this, a total of 11 deaths have been confirmed.

“The authority has made the following progress: requests made for relevant police documentation, critical witness accounts recorded, issued summons for police officers, attended post-mortems and obtained post-mortem reports for Ibrahim Kamau Wanjiku on 27 June 2024, Erickson Kyalo on 28 June 2024, David Chege on 28 June 2024, Wilson Sitati on 1 July 2024, Kelvin Odhiambo Maina on 15 July 2024, and Kenneth Njeru Mwangi on 1 July 2024. Pending tasks include post-mortems for the remaining victims, expert reports, and recording more witness accounts,” the authority stated.

Regarding the Githurai shooting, IPOA confirmed that it had commenced investigations into the circumstances surrounding the death of Andrew Mwawasi and 5-year-old Gianna Merkel Obonyo, who was discovered with a bullet lodged in his chest and taken to KNH hospital, where he has since been treated and discharged.

“IPOA has made the following steps: attended the post-mortem for Andrew Mwawasi and obtained the post-mortem report, recorded some witness statements, visited and documented the crime scene, and requisitioned police documentation. Medical documents for Gianna Merkel Obonyo have also been requested,” the authority revealed.

The authority is also following up on the death of 12-year-old Master Kennedy Onyango on June 27, 2024, at Ongata Rongai in Kajiado County.

“IPOA initiated investigations to establish the facts around the fatal shooting. Accordingly, IPOA attended the post-mortem. Besides this, IPOA is also investigating deaths and serious injuries across the counties where demonstrations occurred and the arbitrary arrests and detaining of persons by police beyond the 24-hour rule contrary to Article 49(1)(f) of the COK 2010,” the authority revealed.

IPOA confirmed they had documented the destruction of both private and public property during the protests to assess police policing standards.

This included the National Assembly, Supreme Court building, City Hall, Uganda House, Safaricom shop on Kenyatta Avenue, police premises and vehicles, Embu and Machakos county assemblies, private businesses, and property.


The authority said it was seized of the KDF deployment in support of the NPS in line with Article 241(3)(b) of the COK and Sections 33, 34, and 35 of the KDF Act. IPOA will, in accordance with its statutory mandate, oversee the members of KDF deployed.

IPOA also called on the public who may have witnessed any incidents across the country and have in their possession video graphics or photographic materials to share through or contact the authority through the following contacts: Tollfree No.: 1559 (free of charges) Nairobi: 0792532627; 0773999000; 0204906000 Mombasa: 0799019998 Nakuru: 0736435616 Meru: 0777490652 Eldoret: 0204403548 Garissa: 0791559346 Kisumu: 0799862244 Kakamega: 0204403549 Nyeri: 0202004664

The authority has assured citizens of utmost confidentiality for any material and information shared. ‘

They also confirmed that arrests and arraignment in court of suspect police officers are subject to the conclusion of investigations and forwarding of the authority’s recommendations to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions as provided by Section 7(1)(a)(ix) of the IPOA Act.

They conclude by revealing that the decision to charge lies with the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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