Tuesday 2nd, July, 2024

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‘Display your press card, cops don’t know you’ – Philip Etale advises journalists

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) director of communications, Philip Etale. PHOTO/(@Etale)Facebook
ODM Communication Director Philip Etale. PHOTO/facebook.com/philip.etale

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Communications Director Philip Etale has advised Kenyan journalists to display their press cards when they go out in the field.

In a statement on Friday, June 28, 2024, Etale stated that it is important for members of the Fourth Estate to identify themselves while gathering news, especially in conflict situations.

Etale further retaliated that job tags would help the police to recognize them.

“Dear fellow Professional colleagues, it is common practice the world over that when you go out in the field to gather news, especially in conflict situations, display your PRESS CARD. Or wear anything that shows you are a journalist. Cops don’t know you, JUST let them know YOU,” Etale advised.

ODM Communication director Philip Etale
ODM Communication Director Philip Etale. PHOTO/facebook.com/philip.etale

Journalist harassment

Etale’s sentiments come after the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) on June 25, 2024, condemned harassment of journalists by the police while covering anti-government demonstrations.

MCK said journalists and media personnel covering demonstrations in several parts of the country have been brutally harmed by the police.

“The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) condemns the harming of journalists and media personnel during today’s demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024 in several parts of the country,” MCK said.

“Regrettably, journalists continue paying a heavy price during these demonstrations, yet their only role is to protect Kenyan’s right to accurate information on the happenings in their country.”

MCK further called for investigations into police brutality against journalists adding that media workers should exercise caution and ensure personal safety while covering conflicting situations.

“This is the media’s contribution to democracy. We urge journalists and media workers to exercise caution and ensure personal safety during these difficult moments.MCK congratulates the media for their sacrifice to document and relay to Kenyans these important moments in our country’s history despite the grave dangers to themselves,” MCK said.

“We urge the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) and other constitutionally mandated institutions to carry out investigations and ensure those responsible are brought to justice,” the council added.



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