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’39 injured, 8 in critical condition in Thursday Finance Bill protests’ – Kenya Red Cross

Kenya Red Cross officers attend to an injured protestor in Nairobi's Central Business District during the Finance Bill 2024 protests. PHOTO/@KenyaRedCross/X
Kenya Red Cross officers attend to an injured protestor in Nairobi's Central Business District during the Finance Bill 2024 protests. PHOTO/@KenyaRedCross/X

A total of 39 people were injured in the Thursday, June 20, 2024 protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

According to Kenya Red Cross, eight (8) of the injured people are in critical condition, with 31 others sustaining minor injuries.

The Kenya Red Cross says those in critical condition have been evacuated to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) for further treatment.

“Update: 39 injured, with 8 in critical condition and 31 with minor injuries. Those in critical condition have been evacuated to Kenyatta National Hospital for further treatment, thanks to a multi-agency rescue team,” the Kenya Red Cross said in a statement issued this evening.

KMDU on protests

Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah on Thursday, June 20, 2024, said over 300 people in Nairobi have been injured and treated since the onset of the Anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests.

Atellah said the over 300 people had received treatment from a team of volunteer doctors that had set up a temporary medical camp at Jamia Mosque, Nairobi.

He attributed the injuries to the brutal force meted on the peaceful demonstrators by the police officers.

“In the wake of recent protests, the #MedicsForKenya team has reported treating over 300 injured demonstrators in Nairobi, a distressing testament to the excessive force employed by law enforcement,” he stated.

Atellah also stated that the use of brutal force by police on protesters violates basic human rights. 

He further pointed out that the excessive force used by the police undermines the democratic principles that protect free speech and assembly.

He said those responsible should be held accountable and advocated for policing reforms that ensure the safety and dignity of all citizens.

Bill passed

The controversial Finance Bill 2024 passed the second reading in the National Assembly Thursday amid street protests in Nairobi and other major towns.

The Bill sailed through with 204 votes in favour and 115 against in what has angered Kenyans across the country, mainly the youth who have been on the streets since Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

The Bill, which has been a subject of intense debate and public outcry, aims to introduce new tax measures to raise additional revenue for the government’s budget.

Opposition MPs who spoke after the MPs voted to send the Bill to the next stage condemned the excessive force the police were using against the peaceful demonstrators.



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