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Jalang’o differs with Babu Owino on revised Finance Bill 2024

MPs Jalang'o and Babu during Finance Bill Debate in Parliament on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. PHOTO/@JalangoMwenyewe/X
MPs Jalang'o and Babu during Finance Bill Debate in Parliament on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. PHOTO/@JalangoMwenyewe/X

Lang’ata Member of Parliament (MP) Phelix Odiwour alias Jalang’o and Embakasi MP Babu Owino have found themselves at odds over the revised Finance Bill 2024. 

Sharing on his X account on June 19, 2024, Jalang’o differed in opinion after Babu Owino gave his stance to reject the bill outright.

Jalang’o who was seen sitting while perusing a document with Babu Owino during a parliamentary session, said Babu advocated for the complete rejection of the bill without considering the recent changes. 

“Afternoon session Day 1, Dr and I dissected the bill in detail. He says total rejection and not amendments,” Jalang’o said.

Jalang’o, however, suggested a more cautious approach, emphasizing the importance of hearing out the amendments and engaging in a thorough debate before making a decision.

“I am telling him to let us hear the amendments and debate first,” Jalang’o added.

Langata MP Jalang'o. PHOTO/@JalangoMwenyewe/X
Langata MP Jalang’o. PHOTO/@JalangoMwenyewe/X

Jalang’o vs Babu

Both Jalang’o and Babu Owino, who were elected on the ODM ticket, are among the members who received official letters requesting them to shoot down the bill set to increase the cost of living for a majority of Kenyans.

The differing views between the two personalities (Jalang’o and Babu) highlight the internal discussions and debates within parliament regarding the bill and its implications.

The clash between Jalang’o and Babu Owino underscores the complexity of the discussions surrounding the Finance Bill 2024 within the ODM party and the broader political landscape. 

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the differing perspectives will influence ultimate outcome of the Finance Bill 2024.

Why voting on bill is yet to happen 

Despite the bill being tabled in Parliament on June 18, 2024, the process had only reached its initial phases, thus no voting took place.

The Finance Bill, 2024, entered the second reading phase on June 19, 2024, when the Finance Committee was to present its report summarizing the findings and recommendations of the public participation process.

Additionally, Members of the National Assembly were to engage in a robust debate about the bill’s principles and general merits.

A bill’s second reading is a critical step where its core ideas are thoroughly examined, and members express their support or concerns.

In Kenya, the legislative process ensures that bills are thoroughly reviewed and incorporate public input, reflecting democratic values of accountability and transparency.

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