Sunday 30th, June, 2024

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‘There is increasing demand for Chang’aa’ – NACADA

Litres of illicit drinks previously impounded at Viken 30 Industrial Park godowns.
Litres of illicit drinks previously impounded at Viken 30 Industrial Park godowns. PHOTO/Mathew Ndung'u

The demand for Chang’aa, an illicit brew, is on the rise, with statistics indicating that one in every eight Kenyans aged 16-65 currently consumes alcohol.

According to a survey by the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), alcohol continues to be the most widely abused substance in the country with the Western region carrying the highest prevalence at 23.8% followed by the Coast region at 13.9% and Central region at 12.8%.

Chang’aa use in western

The Western region also leads in the use of Chang’aa at 11.4% followed by Nyanza region at 6.3% and Rift Valley at 3.6% as the demand for cheaper and readily available alcoholic products including Chang’aa and portable spirits continues to increase.

NACADA highlighted the report during the launch of their strategic plan for the years 2023/24 to 2027/28 at the Sarova Stanley Hotel on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

The report will guide the authority in executing its mandate while providing a basis for resource allocation over the period.

Use of traditional liquor recorded the highest prevalence in the Western region at 12.9% followed by Coast at 7.4% and Nyanza at 2.2%.

Nairobi region however recorded the highest use of manufactured alcohol closely imitated by Central and Eastern regions respectively while Central region leads in potable spirits prevalence at 4.1% followed by the Coast region at 3.2% and Rift Valley a close third at 3.1%.

The 2022 national survey put the initiation age for alcohol in the country at 6 years, with one in every three males aged 15-65 years currently abusing at least one drug compared to one woman for every 16 in the same age bracket.

One in every five males in the age category of between 15 and 65 years were currently using alcohol as compared to one in every twenty females in the same age category.

Despite an increase in the use of cannabis among youth aged 18-24, the report noted an overall decrease in the overall prevalence rates from 18.2% in 2017 to 17.5% in 2022.

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