Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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Late Kalembe Ndile’s wife Magdalene Kamene passes away

Magdalene Kamene Nguluku
Magdalene Kamene Nguluku. PHOTO/Speaker Douglas Mbilu/Facebook

The late Kalembe Ndile’s wife Magdalene Kamene Nguluku, a nominated member of the Makueni County Assembly, has passed away after a short illness.

The report on her death has been confirmed by the brother of the late Kalembe Ndile Sam Kinyingi Ndile who has said she passed away after a short illness as she was receiving treatment at MP Shah Hospital in Nairobi.

According to the brother-in-law, the nominated MCA left the Makueni Assembly on Thursday feeling sickly and travelled to Nairobi where she was admitted to MP Shah Hospital.

“She (Kamene) left the assembly on Thursday sick and came to Nairobi where she was admitted the same day for treatment,” Sam said.

Sam said he received a call from the hospital last night that her condition was worsening and she had been admitted to the ICU.

“I was called last night and informed that her condition has worsened and she has been taken to ICU where she died,” Sam said.

Her husband, the founder of the Tip Tip party and former Kibwezi Member of Parliament Kalembe Ndile, died three years ago at the age of 57 years after being diagnosed with multiple illnesses including liver cirrhosis, cancer of stomach and kidney failure.

Kalembe served the people of Kibwezi from 2002 to 2007 and before his death he had become a staunch supporter of the Wiper Party.

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